
Our Story:

December 20, 2020 our world changed forever. The original board of directors for the foundation lost a wife, mother, and sister. Through that tragedy, an idea was born. Frances Wilson was a lot of things to a lot of people, an amazing woman. The one thing most can not deny is that she cared for everyone. It did not matter if she was mad or upset with your choices, she would always feed you. There was not a soul in this world that wasn't welcome at her table. In that spirit we have decided to create something to honor her name and her memory.

Frances Wilson spent 29 years working for Scott County Schools in the transportation department. She was the one person to call if there was a question about the buses. Not only that, but she cared about every student that got on one of those buses, along with the employees that drove those buses. She was a person that would stay late and come in early to make sure the days and weeks went smoothly.  

To put it all together, Frances' favorite time of year was the holidays. She loved to cook and have her family over and around her. In her honor, we will be taking any donations we receive and putting back into the community. We will be accepting nominations all year long. If you know of anyone that could use help that works within the Scott County School system and works hard everyday to make a difference, please nominate them.  

The board of directors will be making selections solely off of the description completed by these nominations. We will then provide a holiday dinner for their family, in the form of gift cards. Donations received will determine the amount of families that can be helped. People go through hard times and sometimes need help and don't want to ask. That’s where Frances' spirit comes in, the foundation will provide the food so they can focus on more important things during the holidays.

In addition to nominations, if you feel compelled to help please consider making a donation to the cause

We are a 501c3 and all donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your donation.

Click below if you are interested in becoming a bus driver.